Saturday, April 12, 2003

Woke up early this morning and it was nice and cool. So I went out and dug up almost the whole corner (9ft x 11 ft on the perpendicular sides) we need for the butterfly garden we've been planning. I have to wait until Paul wakes up so he can help me with some big ol' tree roots I just cannot get on my own and his opinion about double digging or not. If we double dig I want to spread out a layer of compost underneath the soil like we did in the other bed.

We have a huge camphor tree in the center of the yard and I swear it has roots creeping under the entire plot. I've yet to dig somewhere where I haven't needed Paul to come along eventually and whack up a monster root so it's out of my way. Sometimes even he gives up on it -- they're so gnarly.

It's a pleasant smell though -- when you dig and hit a camphor root. Kind of medicine-y but kind of spicy too.

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