Monday, February 10, 2003

Idita-Walk started today but I doubt I'll walk. My eye is still pink and teary from a bad allergy attack when we spent the night at my MILs this weekend. I can play with the dogs, but I cannot sleep with them in the same room! Argh! The other thing I did was sort of strain or sprain the bottom of my foot. It feels off.

But neither of those is a big deal and I should be fine later... the thing that is bugging me right now is my eating. Been eating out a lot lately because I have no interest in food. Neither eating nor cooking. And I eat because I HAVE to. I can't not eat -- that's not healthy. But I'm not esp. enjoying what I do eat and I know I'm putting convinience ahead of healthy choices. I know it's a phase I sometimes go through but I wish it would hurry up and pass.

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