Sunday, June 01, 2003

Home from weekend. We went to visit and to give my MIL a break. Babysitting Mawmaw wasn't too big a deal and really, Paul did a lot of it alone today. I was so zonked I just wanted to sleep. At 8:30 AM he ame in and begged me to do something about breakfast and to make Mawmaw take her meds and if I did that much he'd leave me alone the rest of the day. I asked him why he couldn't make breakfast and get her to take her meds and he looked panicked. I gave up, did what he asked, threw up, and went back to sleep. I think he felt bad about that part but it can't be helped. I've hit this "weird things make me gag and if I gag I throw up" phase. The smell of eggs and sausage did me in. I didn't eat any of it.

I told Mawmaw I was pregnant and she got all excited and speechless. Sit down, stand up, sit down, stand up, pat my head, sit down, clap, quiver, cry, stand up. Not really sure if it stuck in her mind, but at least she got a kick out of the news. Paul told me later having a conversation with her was def. more challenging and he can tell her Alzeimer's is worse. I agree -- but that's not anything that can be helped. You just go with the flow.

I was wondering if stopping the Glucophage was going to send me into frenzied eating, but so far it hasn't.

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