Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Still on Square One... Kinda.

So. My posting frequency still isn't what it used to be, huh?

Today Heather and my parents came over to help me rip out plants from the garden. I gave them all some of the harvest and now I'm left with a mess of green tomato and bell pepper. I'm thinking jam for the tomato and pickle for the peppers.

Apart from my daughter, I spend a lot of time with the kitchen garden. It looks something like this, only with plants pulled out now.

The next step is to move all the beds out of the way so my garden guy can come grade my lawn and put in mulched paths for me. Then I can put all the raised beds back and cope with getting things ready for September planting. I'm adding 3 new beds this fall season, so I wanted to get the paths laid out and sprinklers reorganized.

Julia's now five and a good little garden helper.

The other day we drove by the gym and she asked me if we were going. Surpised me, but I told her not yet -- but soon. (I haven't renewed my membership yet but I plan to. She doesn't know what a membership means.)

I had tried the gym thing when Julia was around 1 year, and the daycare thing was a nightmare. Then I tried again at a different place when she was 3 and it was a lot better for a year or so until I had to cancel membership for a bit because I was trying to cut down on our budget and I wasn't being terribly consistant.

I'm planning on going Wed. and trying to get my gym bag together and its annoying me not to have everything where I want it -- iPod, lock for the gym locker, water bottle, heart rate monitor, etc.

I'm trying not to get too grumpy about the fact that it's back to square on with the gym thing... but it is really annoying to find three chest straps but no actual monitor watch! Where did it go?

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